selvam siddhar latest news

Published on 08/25/22 / In News Channel

Every person who is born comes into this world with empty hands and when dead, leaves the world with the same empty hands. <br /> Truth has no eyes; deal the offence with scrutiny and balanced mind. That is justification. <br /> Contribution and Meditation are the paths that blocks and breaks the rebirths. <br /> Detachment and kindness towards all living beings is the grace and renunciation. <br /> Thoughts, words and deeds should be entangled with one another. <br /> A learned but wicked person is worst among all. Uneducated but pure-hearted person is most good among all. <br /> Even if a person cannot halt all the five senses, at least one should control his tongue. <br /> To be with the norms of strait forwardness is the virtue that does not vanish when the human body is destined to death. <br /> Don’t expect the fruits of the deeds that are equal to worshipping of god. <br /> A true Master’s blessing is worth of a million good things. <br /> Spiritual education will make any small person, a true-scholar. <br /> Do not be untruthful even when death occurs. <br /> A person becomes great when he/she forgives his/her deadly enemy.

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