selvam siddhar latest news

Published on 08/26/22 / In News Channel

LORD VENUS <br /> Lord Venus rules the week day Friday. <br />The effect of this planet in astronomical positions can be on matrimonial life, <br />love, affection and can also be on wind, rain, cyclonic effects. Forecasting can <br /> be done for hurricanes and tornados too. These primeval forces of Mother <br /> Nature are well appreciated and are needed for the mankind. When it exceeds <br /> the limits, we fear. For example, one glass of water when compared to ocean, <br />the multiple and enlarged ratios, actually create fears. So, the big we see, we call it as giant. <br /> The giant gives the meaning of superhuman size and nature. Here comes the astonishment to access the God, <br />the creator of earth, sun and stars. Even the small creatures like virus, and mosquitoes which are very small, <br />but they do have eyes and other sensitive parts. Is it not a wonder? It is really a matter of deep thinking to reach a conclusion of the Almighty. <br />In astrology, the job of Venus is several. As far as human being is concerned, the matter of love to child issues, all are coming to the account. <br /> Will one’s love be a successful one? Will a person get married early? What is the nature of person? <br />What is the strength of one to give a child birth? Will one be able to secure good life mate with chastity? <br /> Is there any matter of divorce? If divorce what is the next to happen? All such things are dealt by the position of Venus. <br />So, the rituals and pre-cautionary actions are to be conducted after a complete study of position of Venus in every horoscope. <br />The compatibility of a male and female should also be checked for a successful married life.

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