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New York Wholesale Produce Market.mp4

Published on 06/21/22 / In Whole sale market

This video is of Drs. Rick and Karin Dina, D.C. of Raw Food Education at the New York Wholesale Produce Market. Rick and Karin Dina are raw food enthusiasts who eat mostly fresh fruits and vegetables. We usually buy wholesale produce in San Francisco and thought we would buy wholesale produce in New York while we were visiting the area and teaching raw food classes. This video shows Rick and Karin Dina buying wholesale produce at the New York wholesale produce market in New York. We love buying wholesale produce. It saves us money compared to retail. When we buy wholesale produce it is fresher than buying fruits and vegetables at the store that have usually been sitting around for a while by the time you buy them. The New York wholesale produce market is much larger than the San Francisco wholesale produce markets we usually purchase from. We hope you enjoy the Drs. Rick and Karin Dina New York Wholesale Produce Market adventure!

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