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Family - ESL English For Kids: English Lessons For Young Children | All Together English

Published on 08/26/22 / In News Channel

Family - ESL English For Kids: English Lessons For Young Children | All Together English
<br>In this English video lesson for young children, we learn about members of the family: father/daddy, mother/mommy, brother, sister, grandpa, grandma
<br>The sentences were going to learn in this lesson are:
<br>This is my sister.
<br>This is my brother.
<br>This is my daddy.
<br>This is my mommy.
<br>The rhyme were going to learn goes like this:
<br>Daddy is tall
<br>Baby is small
<br>Mommy is pretty
<br>Thats my family -
<br>they all love me!
<br>As usual, our lesson is packed with songs to help young children learn and remember the words along with simple phrases. A good dose of counting and ABC learning songs thrown in for good measure!
<br>As an ivity, you might want to ask your child/children to draw the family.
<br>Children who are taking English second language (ESL) might also find these video lessons helpful and fun.
<br>We create audio-visual education for young children featuring carefully picked topics, simple animation, cute charers and supplementary materials powered by original songs to introduce English to young minds. A wide variety of themes, divided into bite-size segments, offer something interesting and educational for ages 2 and up - or anyone eager to learn English!
<br>All Together English Book 1 (PDF) available here:
<br>Fun English for Kids English ESL (PDF) - Teachers guide to ESL for young children, visit
<br>我們創建的內容幾乎是不可能讓兒童(和一些成人)忘記的– 就是有那麼大的粘性!關鍵是把教育和娛樂混合得恰到好處。
<br>• 每一學習部分的時間段是仔細定時的,如詞彙,句子,兒歌,算術和更多。
<br>• 年輕的孩子們被幽默感和樂趣完全激發起來,並保持良好的的注意力。
<br>• 娛樂主題呈現在明亮的視覺風格當中被音樂帶動起來。
<br>• 補充當前學校或幼兒園所教的學習材料。
<br>• 在周末,假日,甚至睡覺前都是在家中完善的學習。
<br>• 一個有趣開始學習英語的第一個步,同時為未來的學習建立堅實的基礎。
<br>Subscribe for more English for young children video lessons:

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