Dog Sellers At Kolkata Galiff Street Pet Market P-7
Dog breeders and dog sellers selling dogs at the Galiff Street Pet Market. In a positive thought - hope the dogs finds a good family for its rest of life where it will be taken care of. Always take a caution of buying dogs (general suggestion) - check on the animal’s health, be sure of its breed and make sure the seller presents to you proper papers/ proof of good bloodline.
The ‘#GaliffStreetPetMarket’ is a weekly (Sunday only) Pet Market held at the ‘#GaliffStreet’ of Northern #Kolkata city (India).
PS: ‘Soumo’s Travelbox’ is only a travel vlog/ blog and it does not trade in pets/ animals. Please kindly do not enquire about price of any animals, and such will be modified.
Please find a whole YouTube play-list dedicated to Galiff Street Pet Market in Kolkata:-
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Note: All videos published at 'Soumo's Travelbox' are original works by Soumo Bhattacharya - Howrah - India. Unauthorized use of all published videos are prohibited.
Appeal: Soumo’s Travelbox support animal rights. We also do not support any animal rights violations if made by any pet sellers at Galiff Street Market, hence we take no related responsibility. Do take care of the animals whether it is your pet or not. Animals can also feel like humans - kindly be enough sensitive to them. If you are a pet owner or considering to adopt a pet, do take enough responsibility for its well being. If you visit Galiff Street and happen to witness any animal rights abuse - do report to to the immediate local police/ wildlife administrative office.
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