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312,000 US Jobs Were Added in December

Published on 08/26/22 / In News Channel

312,000 US Jobs <br />Were Added <br />in December The hiring surge represents <br />the highest number of jobs <br />added since February 2018. It's an indication the <br />U.S. economy remains strong. Wages were also raised <br />in an effort by employers <br />to attract new workers. Paul Ashworth, US Economist Capital Economics, via CNN Unemployment was up <br />from its 50-year low of <br />3.7% to 3.9%, as more <br />people entered the workforce. Job gains of 30,000 or <br />more were reported in <br />a wide range of areas,<br />from construction to health care. The 380,000 furloughed <br />workers affected by the<br />government shutdown <br />were not included in the report.

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